Monday, August 18, 2014

Millennium Development Goals-- 500 Days Remain, Tell Us Your Story!

Today marks 500 days remaining for United Nations Member States at achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)! In case you missed it, in 2000 the UN established 8 clear goals that are expected to be reached by 2015-- which is now just 500 days away! Here is a short video from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) that helps to recap what the MDGs are:

Tell Us YOUR Story!

Success in the next 500 days will not only help improve lives for millions, put more girls in school, save mothers’ lives, fight diseases, ensure a safe start in life for children: it will add momentum as the world is developing the new global development agenda after the MDGs expire in 2015. This is known as the Post-2015 development agenda.

For every day in the remaining 500 days to MDGs, we want to hear a story from you – a story on what you have done to help the world achieve the MDGs, on what you have done to make an equal and just world a reality for billions of people around the world. Share your stories on social media via the hashtag #MDGMomentum #500stories or email them to!

Get Involved!

It's never too late to get involved in and raise awareness about the Millennium Development Goals! There are some really helpful and amazing resources you can use to help educate young people and children in your community about the MDGs:

Take Action

Girls Worldwide Say, "Together We Can Change Our World" Badge Curriculum: An activity pack that helps children and young people to learn about the MDGs and take action on the issues that affect them and their communities.

Be the Change Community Action Programme: A resource for girls 14+ to engage their communities on the Millennium Development Goals.

My World 2015 Vote: The United Nations wants to know: What do YOU want to see as part of the post-2015 development goals? The result of this vote will influence the UN's Post-2015 Agenda, or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), so cast your vote now!


The World We Want for Girls Policy Paper: The policy paper from the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts reviews the gaps in the Millennium Development Goals and suggests how the voices and aspirations of girls and young women should be reflected in the next development agenda beyond 2015.

MDG +10 Report: A 2010 report on how girls and young women worldwide are taking action on the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for keeping us updated. So important to get the word out and together we can all make a change
